Origination & Founder

If you do not understand your value …

how can you quantify it, price it, communicate it and deliver it?

If you do not understand your value — how can you quantify it, price it, communicate it and deliver it?

VQ Score - The Genesis


After working with over 2,000 software and technology companies of every size and at every stage … the most common and persisting challenge has been their inability and unwillingness to prioritize; (a) better understanding and (b) clearly communicating the differentiated value of their solutions / innovations.


Even just small adjustments, have quickly resulted in significant and measurable improvements.

  1. shorter sales cycles / higher conversion rates

  1. increased net-new revenue

  1. reduced revenue churn

  2. increased revenue expansion

  3. higher ACV’s and ASP’s

  4. accelerated ROI and ROV

  5. improved team alignment and morale

  6. and many other critical business metrics

Generating your VQ Score is simultaneously creating a hypothesis of how best to quantify your value … and thus accelerating your ability to more effectively validate and fine-tune that value.



Technology company founders and leaders are faced with the seemingly unending complexity of details necessary to fully understand the value of their innovations.

It is the uncertainty of how best to work through the full scope of these complexities … that find them embracing (distracted by) other competing priorities and delaying progress toward improved Value Clarity.

They fail to accurately attribute long sales cycles, lost deals, low conversions, less revenue growth and increased churn … to the lack of value clarity they achieve … and therefore are not fully aware that they do not effectively communicate their solutions’ differentiated value to prospects, customers and partners (as well as internally to team members or investors).  



VQ Score makes it easy to accelerate Value Clarity so that innovators do not delay (or miss) the path to achieving the best financial return on the value their solutions deliver to customers.

In less than 15-minutes, CEO’s, founders, product marketers and sales/marketing leaders can generate their VQ Score to more efficiently and effectively understand, validate, prioritize, communicate and deliver their Most Compelling Value (MCV).



Who Cares ?  

1.  Innovators (Sellers)

VQ Score helps them best understand, communicate and deliver their Most Compelling Value (MCV) to achieve the full market potential of their innovations. 

They proactively promote their VQ Score because of how efficiently and effectively it frames their Most Compelling Value.

2.  Buyers of Technology & Innovation

They proactively ask sellers for their VQ Score, because of how it de-risks their buying decisions and accelerates the ROI of bets on new technology / innovation purchases. 

3.  Investors in Technology & Innovation

They ask founders / entrepreneurs for their VQ Score to de-risk / prioritize investment decisions and clarify the potential (and liquidity time horizons) of investment opportunities.


VQ Score Process


PHASE 1 - Hypothesis

Generate your VQ Score

Use Cases

[a] V-Now (current state)

[b] V-Next (within next 6-months or less)

[c] V-Future (vision for 6+ months out)

[d] Specific Opportunity - deal or prospect

[e] By segment, persona, industry


PHASE 2 - Validate

Leverage the simple VQ Score methodology and tools.


PHASE 3 - Fine-Tune / Improve

Proactively continuously improve, fine-tune and adjust to achieve your full market and revenue potential.


Generate your VQ Score here.


VQ Score - The Genesis


After working with over 2,000 software and technology companies of every size and at every stage … the most common and persisting challenge has been their inability and unwillingness to prioritize; (a) better understanding and (b) clearly communicating the differentiated value of their solutions / innovations.


Even just small adjustments, have quickly resulted in significant and measurable improvements.

  1. shorter sales cycles / higher conversion rates

  1. increased net-new revenue

  1. reduced revenue churn

  2. increased revenue expansion

  3. higher ACV’s and ASP’s

  4. accelerated ROI and ROV

  5. improved team alignment and morale

  6. and many other critical business metrics

Generating your VQ Score is simultaneously creating a hypothesis of how best to quantify your value … and thus accelerating your ability to more effectively validate and fine-tune that value.



Technology company founders and leaders are faced with the seemingly unending complexity of details necessary to fully understand the value of their innovations.

It is the uncertainty of how best to work through the full scope of these complexities … that find them embracing (distracted by) other competing priorities and delaying progress toward improved Value Clarity.

They fail to accurately attribute long sales cycles, lost deals, low conversions, less revenue growth and increased churn … to the lack of value clarity they achieve … and therefore are not fully aware that they do not effectively communicate their solutions’ differentiated value to prospects, customers and partners (as well as internally to team members or investors).  



VQ Score makes it easy to accelerate Value Clarity so that innovators do not delay (or miss) the path to achieving the best financial return on the value their solutions deliver to customers.

In less than 15-minutes, CEO’s, founders, product marketers and sales/marketing leaders can generate their VQ Score to more efficiently and effectively understand, validate, prioritize, communicate and deliver their Most Compelling Value (MCV).



Who Cares ?  

1.  Innovators (Sellers)

VQ Score helps them best understand, communicate and deliver their Most Compelling Value (MCV) to achieve the full market potential of their innovations. 

They proactively promote their VQ Score because of how efficiently and effectively it frames their Most Compelling Value.

2.  Buyers of Technology & Innovation

They proactively ask sellers for their VQ Score, because of how it de-risks their buying decisions and accelerates the ROI of bets on new technology / innovation purchases. 

3.  Investors in Technology & Innovation

They ask founders / entrepreneurs for their VQ Score to de-risk / prioritize investment decisions and clarify the potential (and liquidity time horizons) of investment opportunities.


VQ Score Process


PHASE 1 - Hypothesis

Generate your VQ Score

Use Cases

[a] V-Now (current state)

[b] V-Next (within next 6-months or less)

[c] V-Future (vision for 6+ months out)

[d] Specific Opportunity - deal or prospect

[e] By segment, persona, industry


PHASE 2 - Validate

Leverage the simple VQ Score methodology and tools.


PHASE 3 - Fine-Tune / Improve

Proactively continuously improve, fine-tune and adjust to achieve your full market and revenue potential.


Generate your VQ Score here.


VQ Score - The Genesis


After working with over 2,000 software and technology companies of every size and at every stage … the most common and persisting challenge has been their inability and unwillingness to prioritize; (a) better understanding and (b) clearly communicating the differentiated value of their solutions / innovations.


Even just small adjustments, have quickly resulted in significant and measurable improvements.

  1. shorter sales cycles / higher conversion rates

  1. increased net-new revenue

  1. reduced revenue churn

  2. increased revenue expansion

  3. higher ACV’s and ASP’s

  4. accelerated ROI and ROV

  5. improved team alignment and morale

  6. and many other critical business metrics

Generating your VQ Score is simultaneously creating a hypothesis of how best to quantify your value … and thus accelerating your ability to more effectively validate and fine-tune that value.



Technology company founders and leaders are faced with the seemingly unending complexity of details necessary to fully understand the value of their innovations.

It is the uncertainty of how best to work through the full scope of these complexities … that find them embracing (distracted by) other competing priorities and delaying progress toward improved Value Clarity.

They fail to accurately attribute long sales cycles, lost deals, low conversions, less revenue growth and increased churn … to the lack of value clarity they achieve … and therefore are not fully aware that they do not effectively communicate their solutions’ differentiated value to prospects, customers and partners (as well as internally to team members or investors).  



VQ Score makes it easy to accelerate Value Clarity so that innovators do not delay (or miss) the path to achieving the best financial return on the value their solutions deliver to customers.

In less than 15-minutes, CEO’s, founders, product marketers and sales/marketing leaders can generate their VQ Score to more efficiently and effectively understand, validate, prioritize, communicate and deliver their Most Compelling Value (MCV).



Who Cares ?  

1.  Innovators (Sellers)

VQ Score helps them best understand, communicate and deliver their Most Compelling Value (MCV) to achieve the full market potential of their innovations. 

They proactively promote their VQ Score because of how efficiently and effectively it frames their Most Compelling Value.

2.  Buyers of Technology & Innovation

They proactively ask sellers for their VQ Score, because of how it de-risks their buying decisions and accelerates the ROI of bets on new technology / innovation purchases. 

3.  Investors in Technology & Innovation

They ask founders / entrepreneurs for their VQ Score to de-risk / prioritize investment decisions and clarify the potential (and liquidity time horizons) of investment opportunities.


VQ Score Process


PHASE 1 - Hypothesis

Generate your VQ Score

Use Cases

[a] V-Now (current state)

[b] V-Next (within next 6-months or less)

[c] V-Future (vision for 6+ months out)

[d] Specific Opportunity - deal or prospect

[e] By segment, persona, industry


PHASE 2 - Validate

Leverage the simple VQ Score methodology and tools.


PHASE 3 - Fine-Tune / Improve

Proactively continuously improve, fine-tune and adjust to achieve your full market and revenue potential.


Generate your VQ Score here.


Chris Hopf - VQ Score Founder
Chris Hopf - VQ Score Founder

Chris Hopf


Expertise Comes From Experience
For more than 25 years, I have worked as an owner, employee and as a hands-on consultant with more than 2,000 innovative startups, mid-sized mergers and Fortune 50 Corporations such as ServiceNow, Microsoft, Johnson Controls and United Technologies.

Breadth + Depth
My B2B-B2C consulting experience spans a number of industries including software, high technology, IoT, API's, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, artificial intelligence, machine learning, insurance, bio-tech, apparel, digital media, retail, publishing, contractors, industrial suppliers, wholesale distribution and more.
Global Reach
Serving clients in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Singapore, South Africa, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and more.
Client Preferences
Optimistic, objective, accountable, honest, focused, humble, enthusiastic, action-oriented problem solvers and innovators.
It is from my work as the founder of PricingWire that VQ Score was born and refined.

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Generate your VQ Score now!